Monday, July 2, 2012

Hidden Whitetail Deer Fawn

This whitetail deer fawn was hidden near the edge of heavily shaded woods.  We noticed it standing when it was about 70 yards away and this made it easier to plan an approach when it finally laid down. The approach took an hour and we couldn't see enough of the fawn for a nice photograph until we were quite close.  We strive for more of an eye-level image but this wasn't possible with the thick grass obscuring the deer.  We watched for signs of stress on the fawn, and would have backed off, but our approach was so slow that it was not particularly nervous.  The ears are not even directed at the camera.  The fawn showed alarm at noises coming from other directions but not from us.
Once in position we took a few frames but the fawn was in deep shade and the light was not interesting.  We noticed a small sunbeam tracking toward it, though, and waited until the head was lit to take this image.
100-400 lens at 190mm, 1/125 second at f/5.6, ISO 3200.

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